Resting for the Day
Great day in the sun! Relaxing, resting, and reviewing the day. Here’s a couple pics before bed. Good night… xxoo, Laurie
Exciting Day Today!
Good morning sunshine!
Linen and I and I are sitting at my classmate’s house just outside of Berkeley. We’re five minutes away from the BART station so will be walking from here to BART and practicing our light rail transit.
We are going do some more escalator training today, and then Linden and I will be practicing the college campus routes which are more like pathways. Sometimes dogs don’t interpret them as a sidewalk and treat them as if they’re a road.
It’s 50° out where we are sitting in this beautiful yard – kind of Japanese-style garden… jus perfect.
Linen is doing an amazing job. Yesterday when we were doing our downtown route – we were learning to deal with cars cutting in front of us, cars backing in front of us, and cars crossing sidewalks and crosswalks. He was stellar. He’s such a good dog.
Yesterday’s night route was really really fun. It was a busy little downtown. Lots of smells from the restaurants, music people outside, dining and talking, and gas fire places. Again, he just rolled his way through it and marched me forward when I said forward and helped me avoid running into any obstacles that were in the way.
Then later yesterday, we met with the veterinarian. They gave me all of Linen’s history, including info about his delay last November (when we were originally supposed to be matched up). I feel really grateful for how much testing and everything they worked through with him. He has a great baseline. He is now totally healthy. He weighed in at 74.3 pounds — so we managed to wear off point-one in a week! He’s 26 inches tall. I was assured that he’s in great health and in great shape. This means my job when we get home keeping him active. I know what to keep an eye on so we can get stronger and stay healthy. That’s all for now. Have a great day. cheers, Laurie
Happy Valentines!
Out for night training and we made quick stop outside of a flower shop. And someone asked about guiding in snow? Check out the cool boots! The boots are good to protect Linen’s feet and pads from ice chunks and getting irritated by sidewalk snow-melt chemicals — they can be use whenever the terrain could harm his feet.
Meet Linen!!!
Just a quick post this morning to let every one know my guide’s name and get a few pictures out.
Linen is a very good-lookin’ dog. A male, yellow lab retriever. Just a bit over 74 lbs.
More to follow, as time allows. cheers! Laurie
Happenings in California!
Good morning Friends, Family & Doggo supporters ~
(this and future updates will be posted here:
I want to start with an apology for the silence this past week. We were asked not to share photos or the name until early this week. It’s been an amazing seven days — words can”t describe it, but I’ll try.
I’ve learned so many things. Everything from how to put a leash on properly (not something I never had to learn with a cat!); going up escalators solo with my guide dog leading me the entire way; how to groom this big guy; how to feed feed him; how to pick up poop (and not step in it); and all sorts of other things.
I’m learning how to just be with him in his way and what he’s like just being himself. We’ve been learning each other‘s non-verbal “looks,” body moves, favorite snuggle spots, and our own sign language. The most amazing thing is most amazing thing is how he can get me anywhere, any time of day safely — based on my directional commands. He’s kept me from wandering into the bushes. He’s kept me from bumping into people and sidewalk sandwich boards — imagine walking the two of us cruising down the Main Street from Bacon & Eggs all the way to Tallman’s at full tilt!!! It’s just a wonderful dance going down the sidewalk.
I’ve learned to clean his ears. I’ve learned how much fur a dog sheds when you brush him. I have learned how to play with him. We have this wonderful fenced in pen with artificial grass and dog approved toys on the grounds here. It’s funny to see him go pick something out of the toybox — without a doubt, ‘tug’ is his favorite!
When you finally see a picture and hear more about him (which will come tomorrow), you will understand that I will now have a guaranteed “core workout” every single day playing with him. It’s a lot of fun, think: Laurie as a rag doll!
He’s pretty darn special. I’m sure my other classmates (three of them) would say the same about their dogs — they are all special and unique. My special guy has been referred to as “goofy,” and I didn’t know what that meant until now. I’ve discovered it means he’s a morning dog – Thank God!!! When he gets up in the morning, he needs to be goofy — it’s kind of like my my need for coffee. I guess he’s my new coffee. I think his goofiness is sweet. He does get “the zoomies” and it makes my heart happy. I wasn’t sure if Guide Dogs got to have “the zoomies,” but they definitely do!!!
Lots of things left this week. We are going to learn light-rail transit — boarding-on and off-boarding on different platforms. We’re going to practice buses, and I think we’re going to go to the mall, and UC Berkley campus so we can learn how to travel on weaving pathways. A dog’s brain can sometimes interpret weaving pathways as a road instead of sidewalk. So we need work with him so he guide travel on the correct side of a pathway.
I can’t remember everything — it’s been a very, very busy week. Long, long days listening to lectures at night; then discussions, group discussions, and field work in the mornings. Rinse & repeat in the afternoons — and then do it again the next day. It is truly amazing that I haven’t even had him a full week until this afternoon. It’s simply incredible that we’ve transitioned from strangers to him being my people-mover in a week!
A bit about my classmates… I have three other classmates, all females. From college-age to 71 years young (she’s on her fifth guide dog). The rest of us are getting our first guide dog — so it’s a great journey as we learn, share, ask questions, and talk about what’s going on and what it’s going to be like when we bring our dogs home and adapt to the new community.
I can’t wait to share pictures and definitely can’t wait to share his name! Sorry folks (you know who you are), his name is not Doggo, or Barney, or Booker-T, or George — but you’re gonna love him.
Thanks for all your support and understanding. Have a great day. love, Laurie